16 MAY 1914, Page 1

Meantime the fourth British officer, whose name is not dis-

closed, had, with the help of a chowkidar, carried in Captain Brown, and, though himself unarmed, had again gone out and assisted Major Dodd into safety. Both Major Dodd and Captain Brown were mortally wounded and died shortly after- wards. The assassin proved to be Major Dodd's orderly, who had been in his service for several years, and bad been most valuable to him from his knowledge of Mahsud affairs. Major Dodd's chivalry in begging the fourth officer to attend to Captain Brown first, and the bravery of that unnamed hero and the chowkidar, are the bright features of a terrible story of inexplicable vengeance. For Major Dodd's urgent orders to capture the assassin alive—" We must know who has put him up to this "—were rendered impossible of fulfilment by the ferocity of the assassin. In comment we will only say what we are sure the noble dead would wish us to say : Silt tombent les jeunes lams, la Jerre en produit de nouveaute.