16 MAY 1925, Page 1

* * As regards new taxation, M. Caillaux spoke of

raising the Income Tax, particularly on large incomes and on. those deriVed from agriculture, and of raising the price of tobacco. 'He also intends to put higher taxes on sugar and 'alcohol. As a set off to the increased direct taxation, M. Caillaux spoke Of -lightening the: death duties and of suppressing the municipal. oetroi. It will be noticed that he proposes a course exactly Opposite to • that of Mr. Churchill, who as a set off to higher death ditties has lightened the burden on the lower grades of Super-Tax payers. • He spoke in a very minatory tone of the way in which .he would deal with the Income Tax payer who tried to evade a just assess=. ment. The disappointments of the speech were that he did not define his methods of seething economy iii administration,_ though he -has always professed himself to be:the sternest, of economists,- and 'that he fore, shadowed new -loanS.

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