16 MAY 1925, Page 15


the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

is impossible to over-emphasize the importance of the' work now being dime by the British Empire Cancer Campaign. Although its organization is only two years old, already many centres of research have been formed in different parts of the world and in this country. The Committee subsidizes hos- pitals at which research work is conducted, and supports the efforts of approved individual inquirers. It aims at bringing into one great co-operative companionship all who are engaged in investigating the causes of this dread disease. That a cure for cancer exists is certain, but the path of discovery is difficult, arduous—and costly !

There is scarcely a family in which fear of cancer does not exist, and those who know the facts as to its extent and incidence must feel the deepest thankfulness that this work of research has been so warmly and enthusiastically taken up. I think it augurs well for its ultimate success that younger people are beginning to realize what the Campaign means to their generation and to generations to come.

The Ball, which is to take place at the Hyde Park Hotel on the 20th, has been devised to arouse public interest in the Campaign, and to raise funds for its even more vigorous prose- cution. If it succeeds .in enlisting the aid, as I think it will, of a still larger number of younger people in this work, it will have. achieved its purpose,--I am, Sir, &c., Wardrobe Court, Richmond, Surrey. ESTELLA CAVE.