16 MAY 1981, Page 18

Monkey puzzle

Sir: Reviewing the first programme in Richard Leakey's series on The Making of Mankind (9 May), Richard Ingrams says that 'the evidence that man evolved from monkeys has always seemed to me very thin on the ground', and that it is futile to look for fossil links between our species and the 'ape-like creature' which Darwin suggested was its probable ancestor. Did he actually see the programme, in which Leakey stated that 'genetically we are closer to the chimpanzee than, say, a horse is to a zebra' and showed some of the fossil links which may be thin on the ground but are undoubtedly there? It is one thing for In grams to describe himself as 'knowing little or nothing about science' but another for him not to follow the programme he is meant to be reviewing for us.

Nicolas Walter Rationalist Press Association 88 Islington High Street, London Ni