16 NOVEMBER 1839, Page 9



Oa the Mb inst.. in CounaltzlIt Place West, Lady P.m:A.:No, of a sea.

Cu tlw 14th inst., the Ludy of the Rev. IlExav CORNWALL LEMI, of High T.egh, Che,hire, of twins -a on and I a tighter. On the 1451, inst., at Blyth Ilall, the Lady of WILLIAM STRATFORD DPGDALE, Esq., of a daughter. Os the lath idiot., at Hillingdon House, the Lady of Cilia:till GEORGE CAMPBELL, Grenadier (Mardis, of a son. On the 12th inst., at Chelsea, the Wife of Jxurs ALEK1NDER, Esq., of Dunfermline, Of a daughter. 0:1 the 6th inst., at Dale Park, Sussex, the Lady of Lientenant•Colonel G.tscolosx, of a daughter. On the 10th inst., at Easton Ludge, the llon Mrs. Corn, of a son. Cu the 27th of August, at Tatmah, near Bonthay, the lady of JOUN WILLIAM WOAD- coca, Esq.. Civil Service, of a son. On the 18th Sept., on board the Oldie of Argyll. while in the Bay of ll:;cay, the Lady of Mr. Itturano MARSHALL junior, of Stationers' Hall Court, London, of a &nutter. Ott the lit), inst., la East Sheen, the NVidow of the late ANDRE' 11xxity Peut.terr THOMSON. EMI, Or Court Garden, Marlow, of a sun. On the 10th inst., at the Nicarage, Dutunow, E.sex, Mrs. HENRY LEWIS MAJENDIII, ef a daughter.

Cu the 11th lust., at the Viearage, Ware, herds, the Lady of the Rev. H. Count:km.1w, of a sun.

Ott the 9th inst., at Broad Green, Croydon, the Wife of Maier Csu,aotiazmc, oft SOB. Ott the 9th inst., Rt Ct,ehtonluun, URI! Latly of HENRY BASHERVILLx, Esq.,. of Woolly, Wiltshire, of aeon awl heir.


Ou the 24th of July, at Calcutta, Mmes, the eldest daughter of Lieutenant •Colonel D'Aguilar, of the Hon-East Italia Contpativ's Sirs lee, to Wemtv 11. JAessax, Esq., of the Civil Service, Commissioner of 3loorsiledabatl, son of the talc Sir John Jack. s'on. Bart., M.P. On the 28th oh.. at St. Peter's Church. Dublin, Lieutenant D'Ormtv WILLIAM HArr- LEY, of the 64th Itegiment, to MARGARET. relict of the late James .14agill. Es+, of Fairview House, comity of Donegal, and Gardner Street, Mountjoy Scram, Dublin. On the 7th inst.. at Hyrtleville House, Carrienlibe,.cOtinty of Cork, the seat ofThe bride's father, THOMAS RIKBIFORD. Esq., merchant of the 'city of Cork, to Summers Ansi:, second daughter of Major James Fagan, late of' the Bengal army. On the 11th inst., at Old MIlverton, Warwickshire, the Rev. Alining. EMMA, to - GRAC's BEM WARD. second daughter of the late Charles Lyud, Esq., of Mullautane. county Tyrone, Ireland. On the 14th inst , at St. James's, Westminster. the Rey. HENRI" PALMER., of York Street, St. James's Square, to LOUTS& SARAH, youngest daughter of the late T. W. Marson, Rai.. of Newington. Sorry. On the 12th inst.. at Ityde, Isle of Wight, Wsursu RICHARD, only son of Mr. and Lady Georgian:1 Barnes, to CHRISTIANA ISABELLA. Oldest daughter of the late J. K. Douglas Wiliam, Esq., of Twyford Abbey, Middlesex.


On the lath low.. at his son's house. at Claptou, HENRY SoADEs, Rog., of Broadfteld House, Hertfordshire, in his 80th year. On the 1201 inst., the Rev. JAMES GELDART, LL.D., Rector of Kirk Leighton, York- shire, in his9th year. 011 the 13th bet. at his house in Woburn Place, Gxonex KILGOVR, Esq., of lktleairn. Aberdeen:10re, in his 730 year. On the 14111 ult.. at Madeira, the Rev. KlvAno ASHE, A.M., Rector of Barnhill and Vicar of Drifliehl, ill the county or G'oucester. A!, exile of many years. arisioe front the law's delays. at St. Pierre les Calais, in his S ti y.tl, EomuNn WA'rr II Esq., formerly of Alpha Lodge, Regent's Park, and of Roe ;rev , K 'lin.. 'Middlesex. Oa the 32,1 Grave:end, in his 4ff:a year, 'Major JOHN Paver, late of the 27th Iteginlent. Soh of the late General Jelin Pratt. or Stoneville, county Dublin. Oa the 7111 iost.. in Paradise Street. Rotherhillie, Sown. Esq., in his 86th year; :ma 0:1 tlte 10th inst., Mrs. Soemt, relict of the above, in her 79th year, having survived, tier husband the short space of -ixty-tive hours.

On the 7th irst., at It or, Mrs. It in her !:9:11 ye:tr.

On the 11th inst., at Liverpool, It icrur SWAYNE , Esq., in his 434 year.

Ott the 10111 inst., nt (tray's Inn Sq. EttwAtto Plume SANGER. Esq., in his 3M year. Oa the 15th inst.. al brace Castle, Toll valiant, Ih.r.xx, the Wife of Arthur Hill, Esq.