16 NOVEMBER 1844, Page 8

Two persons who committed a recent fraud on the Bank

of England,- apparently with complete success, have been utterly defeated, through- the extraordinary sagacity of the two brothers John and Daniel For- rester, the Police-officers. It will be remembered that on the 3d of Sep- tember, Burgess, a clerk in the Bank, effected a fraudulent transfer of 8,0001. stock belonging to Mr. Oxenford ; who was personated by one Elder, a horse-dealer ; and both the men disappeared. The Forrester& were set to hunt them. By pertinacious research, they found that the two delinquents had sailed in the Britannia for America, on the 4th of September : on the 19th, John Forrester and another Bank clerk, armed with warrants, sailed in the Caledonia : the fugitives were traced to Halifax, Boston, New York, Buffalo, Canada, and back to Boston ; where they had invested 7,0001. in a bank and bought land. Elder was seized in his house ; and he hanged himself at night, in prison : Burgess escaped from an inn, which had been surrounded : but the 7,0001. and. 600 sovereigns were secured.