16 NOVEMBER 1918, Page 10


[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read, and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.]


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sia,—As there seems to be a rather general belief that the number of V.A.D.'s applying for service in military hospitals is decreasing, it may Interest your readers to know that in the last month, September 21st to October 21st, 692 new applications were passed by the Selection Board. I should like to add that, as Chairman of the Selection Board for more than three and a half years, I am convinced that at no time have we had a better class of candidate than we are getting now. We are wanting twice as many, not because the recruits are falling off, but because the new work taken up and the consequent requisitions are increasing every day.

Chairman of Selection Board of Women's Jodnt V.A.D. Committee.

(Although we announced that this correspondence was ended last week, we must print Lady Codrington's letter. It was unfor- tunately orowded out when we were going to press last week. We may call attention here to Lady Ampthill's letter in the Times of last Saturday in which it was stated that " since Germany sent her first Note to President Wilson our recruiting has gone down in an alarming way."—ED. Spectator.]