16 NOVEMBER 1918, Page 11


(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—For many years I have been a reader of your valuable periodical, and increasingly admire your sane and courageous attitude towards most questions. I should like to thank you espe- cially for the protest in your issue of October 12th against the poster exhibited at the front, " Salve now and keep the price of beer down." During this spring and summer I have been working as a minister of religion amongst the men in France, and for the last two months of my time I had to pass one such poster every day. It disgusted me when I saw it at first, and did so increas- ingly each day. It should at once be suppressed. I do not write as a teetotal fanatic, but as one keen that all that England says and does should be worthy. I should also like to add that during my whole time in France I was impressed tremendously by the splendid behaviour and sobriety of the men. The poster is not representative of their fine spirit.—I am, Sir, &c., B. S.