16 OCTOBER 1841, Page 11

The Post says that the following changes are made in

the French Ca- binet—" M. Martin remains with the portfolio of Justice, which will be separated from that of Public Worship, which will be given to M. Sauzet, President of the Chamber of Deputies. M. Thiers, who has ratted, adds the Post, intends abandoning the attack on M. Guizot re- lative to the foreign policy, and to attack him on the domestic policy."

The Moniteur Parisien announces that the French Government has in contemplation a large scheme of railroads, to be executed partly by companies, partly by the state. The plan is, for Government to trace the lines, purchase the ground, and do the work of tunnels and embank ments by the department of Ponta et Chausees. The lines will then be let for a term of years to companies, who will put down rails, erect stations, and turn the road to profit.