16 OCTOBER 1847, Page 2

die court.

TEE Queen has been entertaining a rather numerous circle of visiters at Windsor Castle. Lord and Lady John Russell arrived on Saturday, and staid till Monday. On that day, came the Duke of Slesvic Holstein Glucksbourg, Prince William of Holstein, and Count Reventlow; on Wed- nesday, Baron Rehausen and Count Revel; Lord and Lady Palmerston, Sir Stratford and Lady Canning, and Lord Edward Howard, also joined the party. It broke up on Thursday.

Her Majesty gave audience, on Saturday, to Prince George of Cam- bridge; and, later in the day, to Mr. Charles Buller, Judge-Advocate- General; who laid before the Sovereign the proceedings of certain courts- martial.

The Prince of Wales and Princess Royal sustained a slight accident on Monday morning. While they were riding in the Home Park, their Shetland ponies, becoming excited at the antics of a small Java pony grazing near, ran away at full speed across the Park, before the grooms could stop them. The Prince kept his seat; the little Princess was thrown, but without suf- fering any hurt.

On the same evening, the Dutchess of Kent was placed in jeopardy by a runaway horse. Her Royal Highness was on her way to dine at the Castle; and just as the carriage had turned into the Waterloo gate of the Home Park, a light cart dashed against it, driving in the back of the carriage and shaking the ladies within. It is supposed that the cart-horse had been frightened at the glare- of the lamps. Neither the Dutchess nor the ladies of her suite received the slightest hurt; but three persons who were in the cart were thrown out with violence, and hurt very seriously.

The Queen Dowager, accompanied by the Dutchess Ida, Prince Edward, and the Princesses of Saxe Weimar, and attended by a numerous suite, left Marlborough House on Saturday, for Portsmouth, by the London and South-western Railway, and embarked on board the Howe for Madeira. The Howe did not put to sea till Monday. The Dutchess of Kent went over to Richmand on Wednesday, to visit the Dutchess of Gloucester.

The Princess Sophia, who has been suffering from indisposition, con- tinues in a precarious state of health at Kensington. Her Royal Highness is visited almost daily by the Dutchess of Gloucester.