16 OCTOBER 1852, Page 1

If straws can show which way the wind blows, the

expressions of the French licensed journals may show which way peace in- clines. Commenting on the Belgian news, the Pays says that there is one condition on which Belgium may obtain "amicable and durable relations with France,"—to coerce the Belgian press, which preaches "principles subversive of all reason morality, and right." . The Pays "believes" that the present Ministry of King Leopold is animated by such a wish; but -the Brouokere Ministry is iiot yet firmly. established.

German news—which is as much as to say unauthentic news

• :---from Constantinople, announces that English and Russian fleets are advancing into the Straits of the Dardanelles by opposite por- tals, because the French ship Charlemagne has violated treaties by its presence in the Sea of Marmora ; and the Petrie seizes this professedly '"improbable and absurd story" as a peg whereon to hang a dissertation about the obvious interest and duty of Turkey to. support France . in the " peonliarly disinterested" assertion of her rights" as patron of" Catholic" interests in the East. While Louis Napoleon sings the song. of -peace, his retainers keep up the bass chorus of murmuring war. .