16 OCTOBER 1852, Page 20


Tuesday, October 12.

PARTREasuirs DissoLvEn.-Walker and Co. New Melton, Yorkshire, brewers- Seale and Crossley, Bishopsgate Street Within, chemists-Moore and Norman, Langdale Street, Cannon Street Road, engineers-Law and Earl, Manchester, com- mission-agents-Grout and Co. Foster Lane, Cheapside, crape-manufacturers ;. as far as regards J. Grout-Clarke and Bird, Liverpool, shipwrights-Goodchild and CO. Reading, millers-Halliday and Co. Bolton, tanners; as far as regards E. Halli- day-Reynolds and Andrews, Birmingham, livery-stable-keepers-Bowes and Co. High Street, Wapping, bonded store-dealers; as far as regards J. W. Bowes-Mills and Webster, Leeds, engravers-Moyle and Yate, Penzance, surgeons-Lowe and Adams. Derby, silk-manufacturers-Stilwell and Holdsworth, Hull, wire-workers- W. and T. Greenwood, Stockport, grocers-Marshall and Cowell, Bishopsgate Street Without, engineers-Collier and Co. Salford, machinists. BANKRUPTCIES ANNULLED.-GEOROE MoRzois, Crown Wharf, Great Scotland Yard, coal-merchant-Joni( Hicit,•Wakefield, corn-merchant. BANKRUFTS.-WILLIAX WELLINGTON and ROBERT BUTTERFIELD, Brighton, lace- men, to surrender Oct. 21, Nov. 25: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street; official assignee, Bell; Coleman Street Buildings-RICHARD TemsErr, Woolwich, builder, Oct. 23, Nov. 27: solicitors, Hodson and Sparrow, Bucklersbnry ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-GEoRen GARDNER, Woolwich, ironmonger, Oct. 26, Nov. 25: solicitors, Linklitters, Sise Lane; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Jona/ BliTMACOMBE, Falmouth, wine-merchant, Oct. 26, Nov. 23: solicitors, Taylor and Collison, Great limes Street, Bedford Row ; Laidman, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Isaac Islets, Plymouth, dealer in watches, Oct. 21, Nov. 18: solicitors, Foord, Old Broad Street; Terrell, Exeter; official assignee, Herne- man, Exeter-Hzinty CowiE, Liverpool, shipowner, Oct. 22, Nov. 12: solicitor, Pemberton, Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-SAMUEL LAisuroan, Hyde, Cheshire, ironmonger, Oct. 22, Nov. 12: solicitors, Hodgson, Birmingham; Neild, Manchester ; official assignee, Lee, Manchester.' DIFIDENDIL-Nov. 2, Eretzschmar, King Square, manufacturing-jeweller-Nov. 4, M`Culloch, Liverpool, draper.

CERTIFICATES.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-Nov. 3, Gurney, Pittfield Street, victualler - Nov. 3, Bingham, • Mount Street, Grosvenor Square, printer-Nov. 3, Fraser and Lightfoot, Lime Street, mer- chants-Nov..1, Dodgson, Liverpool-Nov. 4, James, Walsall, iron-founder. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Williams, Epsom, draper; second div. of ls. 2d. Oct. 14, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Fuller, Ely, stone-mason; first div. of 6s. 2d. Oct. 14, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Fraser, Lime Street,' merchant ; first div. of 12s. 6d. Oct: 14, and three subserkuent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Itoden, Stamford, draper ; second dm. of 3d. Oct. 14, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Ba- singhall Street-Jay; Badley, Suffolk, miller ; first div. of 2s. 11d. Oct. 14, and three subsequent Thursdayi • Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-.Simmonds, Blandford Forum, Dorsetsbire, builder; first div. of Si. 3d. Oct. 14, and three subsequent Thursdays ; Stanefeld, Basinghall Street - Clark, Soham, 'Cambridgeshire, flour-dealer; first div. of 101d. Ott. 14, and three subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street .Friday, Octobt. r 15.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Thrst and Maxey, Gloucester Terrace, New Road, gas- fitters-IL and E. Griffith;;Binningham, tailors-Manit and Co. Seething, Norfolk, auctioneers-Felix and Lapareille, Noble Street, manufacturers -of fancy goods- Walker and Soper, Union Square, Horsemonger Lane, builders-Gregory and Tod, Duke Street, London Bridge, potato-saleamen-Farrar and Summres, Great Russell Street, Covent Garden,.linen-sirapers-R. and W. Proctor, Tewkesbury, corn-dealers -Carter and Bird, St. George's Place, Knightbridg-e, linen-drapers-Maples and Jack- son, Cross Street, Newington, braziers-Odams and Pickier& Leadenhall Street, merchantsCaldwell and Pickin, Knutsford, Cheshire nurserymen-Bury and Ar- thur, Liverpool; ship-bread-bakers-Sharp and Co. WOod Street, fringe-manufac- turers-Lyon and Poulter, Bradley Terrace, Wandsworth Road, house-decorators- Anderioit and Co. Liverpool, coffee-roasters-Cropper and Eyre, Sheffield, millers- Thomas and Norris, Cardiff, builders-,Wallis and Spence, Notting Hill, Kensington, schoolmistresses-Castleman and Co. Wimborne. 'Minster, attormes-Crowther and Todd, Bradford, Yorkshire, plumbers-Fitton and Sons, Shelley, Yorkshire, cloth- manufacturers ; as far as regards J. Fitton. BANKRUPTII.-BAHUEL BAINES, New Bond Street, hosier, to surrender Oct. 28, Nov. 18: solicitorsi, Lepard and Co. Cloak Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-.-AEFRED.DAwsosr, Charles Street, Mile-end New Town, engineer, Oct. 21, Nov. 18: solicitor, Ellis, .Cowpees Court, Conthill ; official assignee, John- son, Basfingbill Streee-Jostar HoeARTH,Eotherhithe Street; iron-merchant, Oct. 26, Nov. 25: solieitors, Hoppe and Boyle, Sun Court, Cornhill ; official assignee, John- son, Basinghall Street-Aunusrus PicErrr, Brighton, brick-maker, Oct.28, Nov. 29: solicitor, /Horton, Great James Street ; official assignee, Johnson, Basinghall Street - CHARLES HENRY CArtnrso, Birmingham, draper, Oct. 30, Nev. 20: solicitors, Sole and co. Aldermanbnry; Hodgson, Birmingham ;. official assignee, Christie,- Bir- mingham-Wit:LIAM 8/LITH, Bolton-le-Moors, grocer, Oct. 28, Nov. 18: solicitor, Sutton, Manchester ; official assignee, Lee, Manchester. Invinzsms.-Nov. 8, Fugate'', Bread Street, warehouseman-Nov. 9, Harris, Lei- cester Square, warehouseman-Nov. 6, James; River Street, Myddleton Square builder-Nov. 6, Mackenzie, Hunter Street, Brunswick-Square, commission-agent- Nov.. Not.:9;Siott slid Thompson, Upper Ground Street, iron-founders-Nov. 5, Branson, Stratford, Essex, stationer-Nov. 5, Edwards, King Street, Bloomsbury, dressing- easezmaker-Nov. 5, Clark, Old Street, St. Luke's, draper-Nov. 15, Whittaker, Park. Place, Mile-end Road, draper-Nov. 15, Streeter, Brighton, corn-merchant - Nov. 6; Knight, Fore Street, Cripplegate, cheesemonger-Nov. 5, Ricketts and Co. Moorgate Street, merchants-Nov. 6, Mountcastle, King William Street, hatter- Nov. 6, Mitchell, Camden Street, builder-Nov. 6, Rutland, Luton, straw-bonnet- manutacturer-;Nov. 6, Street, Oxford Street, victualler-Nov. 18, Standerwick and Co. Bristol, auctioneers-,;Nov. 18, W. and M. Planter, Bristol, cheese-factors-Nov. 8, Bates; Liverpool,Inerchant-Nov. 5, Webster and Harrison, Liverpool, merchante -Nov. 11, T. and A. M'Cree, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, grocers-Nov. 9, Holmes and Marshall, Sunderland, timber-merchants-Nov. 4, "Nicholson, Shotley Bridge, Dur- ham, ironmonger;-Nov. 11, Passman, Stockton-upon-Tees, currier- Nov. 11, Rogers, Camborne, draper-Nov. 11, Edwards. Allington, sack-manufacturer-Nov. 11, Hot- ton, Penzance, watch-maker-Nov. 11, Matthews, Yeovil, druggist-Nov. 11, Hill, Holcombe Rogue, linen-draper-Nov. 5, Dilger, Bradford, Yorkshire, general-dealer -Nov. 5, Child and Barker, Wakefield, railway-contractors-Nov. 5, lbbetson, Brad- ford, Yorkshire, bookseller.

CERTIFICATES.-717 be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of weeting.-Nov.-5, Thompson, Upper Ground Street, Iron-founder-Nov. 5, Daugtain. Wharf Road, City-Basil, colour-merchant-Nov. 5,- Bal], Fenchurch Street, wine- merchant-Nov. 9; England, Shepperton Street, New North Road, builder-Nov: 5, Craven, Birkenhead, grocer-Nov. 12, Greener junior, Wigan, ironmonger-Nov. 8, Griffin, Liverpool, merchant-Nov. 8, Avery and Street,- Birkenhead, shipwrights- Nov. 4; James, Walsall, iron-founder-Nov. 8, Mottriun, Shrewsbury, hop-merchant

- Nov. 6, Sviift; Stavely, Derbyshire, 'grocer-Nov. 5; Richardson, Leeds, wool-mer- chant-Nov. BetinlancliBirstal, woolstapler.

-DECLARATIONS OF Drvinemrts.-M. and T. A. Butterfield; Royston, linen-drapers; third div. Of 41d. Saturday next, and three subsequent Saturdays ; Groom, Abchurch Lane-U, and R,.11ittfield, Clapham, plumbers ; first-div. of Si. 2d. and first div. of Is. 5d. on the separate estate' of T: Hatfield, Saturday next, and •three subseqUent Saturdays;. Groom, Abchureh Lane-Tinsley, Rowley'ltegis, Staffordshire; cooper; first div. of 2s. 5d..any Thursday; Christie; Birmingham-J. and G. Clarke, Market Harborough, carpet-manufacturers ; fifth div. of one-ninth of Id. any Thursday ;

Christie, Birmingham. .

ScorcH Szoozwrinzioats.-Murray, Dundee, ironmonger, Oct. 21, Nov. 11.-Gray, Dundee, merchant, Oct. 21, Nov. 11.