16 OCTOBER 1869, Page 2

Mr. Bernal Osborne does not appear at all clear in

his mind about land tenure. He has been asked to stand for Tipperary, and, in reply, explains his views. He is willing to accept denomi- national education with a conscience clause, will support any legislative measure which " will interest more people as proprietors of the soil, by removing every obstacle to the purchase and sale of land," but is not confident about any general measure. " What- ever measure may be laid before Parliament, it must be based upon strict principles of justice, having for its object not the creation of new privileges, but the correction of old abuses,—not so much to abolish rights as to enforce duties,"—which is vague. What are rights, and what are duties ? Is it the right of the landlord to steal his tenants' improvements ? Or is it the duty of the tenant to go on reclaiming bog without the slightest security that next year's crop will belong to him.