16 OCTOBER 1880, Page 1

A rumour has reached London which for several reasons deserves

notice. It is stated, with some authority, that the Powers concerned believe that peace iu the East would be more strongly secured if the line of Othman, which is worn out, were finally deposed. It would be replaced by the family of Mehemet Ali of Egypt, and Ibrahim Pasha's dream would thus be realised. Tewfik Khedive has given satisfaction to Europe, and he would have the advantage of bringing with him an obedient and effective Mussulman garrison for Constantinople. It is, we believe, true that this plan has been considered, and it would probably secure better government for Asiatic Turkey, a most important part of the great question. It would not, however, satisfy the Balkan peninsula, where a Christian suzerain is required, and it might plunge Europe once more into the cesspool of agio. Already, the old French Ring, which has made so much in Egypt, is pressing the Government in Paris to make the interest of the Bondholders its first point,—that is, to pillage the Eastern world for the benefit of usurers, who lent money to a despot at from ten to forty per cent., and now want European security for their gains. They have uo moral claim to one shilling, not voluntarily paid them by the debtor, whose faithlessness they discounted.