16 OCTOBER 1880, Page 1


THE Sultan has surrendered Dulcigno to the Montenegrins unconditionally, though he expresses a hope that the Naval Demonstration may, in consequence, be withdrawn. Up to Friday night, October 8th, the Palace was confident of success, joyously defiant, and resolved to resist to the last ; but during that night the Sultan heard that Mr. Gladstone had proposed to sequester Smyrna, and that the proposal had been accepted by Russia and Italy. That would mean an insurrection in Asia, and on Saturday the Grand Vizier was sent in all haste to the Ambassadors to announce surrender. The Ambassadors, it is said, looked askance, suspecting some trick, but at last observed that the promise must be followed by immediate action. Orders were at once despatched to Rizo, Pasha to hand over the town to the Montenegrin Commander-in-Chief, and as yet there is no evidence that the Albanians will be instigated to resist. It is probable, indeed, that they will not be. A strong party at the Porte has always been of opinion that concession to the Montenegrins was advisable, first, because the Mountaineers fight ; secondly, because Russia would be pleased ; and thirdly, because a grant of territory to them was distinctly provided for in the Treaty of Berlin. As the Albanians care nothing about Dulcigno except under orders from Con- stantinople, this episode in the Eastern Question may be con- sidered over.