16 OCTOBER 1920, Page 1


iF we are not mistaken in detecting a marked strengthening

in the determination of the Government to prove their recognition of the fact that they can exist only by governing, a very important point in the fortunes of the Government, and above all in the fortunes of Mr. Lloyd George himself, has been reached. The speeches which Mr. Lloyd George has delivered in Wales were excellent. It would be easy to criticize things in those speeches, but, after all, our chief impression is that Mr. Lloyd George has learned a great lesson. We hope and believe that in future he will go in less for methods of political living from hand to mouth and for brilliant improvisations which Profess to settle difficulties but really settle nothing. The reason for thinking that the impact of experience upon Mr. Lloyd George's hitherto irresponsible methods is having satis- factory results is perfectly plain. Every time that he and his Ministers have held firmly to a principle and have refused to nhliay something that they had already said, theyhave conquered and have enormously improved their position. Price lial may develop into Henry V. The nation is tired of unrest and it wants to be governed. Sir Hamar Greenwood's latest speech on Ireland is also very significant. But we will summarize all these speeches in their proper order.