16 OCTOBER 1959, Page 20

Sr ,—According to Mr. Goldsmith in his article 'Space Salesmen,'

Mr. Shawcross is worrying about invasion by inhabitants of other planets. Mr. Goldsmith him- self is worrying about the effects of travelling at the speed of light. I am worrying about whether the whole space business is not sending people off their rocker.

The population of the earth is soaring, and there will probably be starvation on a grand scale at the end of this century. But we know so little about human psychology and sociology that the human race may blow itself up first. Our economy lurches from one crisis to another, and half our citizens suffer from mental illness at some stage of their lives.

Is science interested in these problems—or is it too busy thinking how to get an astronaut to Andromeda? And which problems is the Spectator interested in? I am glad to see your journal taking an interest in science—but I hope you will find other aspects of it to report besideS the blend of fact, fiction, theory, speculation and romance contained in Mr. Gold- smith's article.—Yours faithfully, Campden Street, W8