16 OCTOBER 1964, Page 14


SIR,—I was amused at Quoodle's comments under the heading of 'The Day of the Dons.' But isn't his point a bit naive? Surely he's well versed in this sort of thing? My letter-head indicates that my busi- ness is education. If Quoodle cares to look up the appropriate references (as I am sure he has no need to do), he will find that all our educational masters were educated at Eton and Christ Church, which, of course, gives them pre-eminent expertise in the organisation and personality of the kind of schools I deal with. But, of course, the PM comes out of the same stable, doesn't he?

Personally, if I have to choose between dons and civil servants on the one hand and Old Etonians on the other, I shall come down on the side of the dons. It seems more intelligent, don't you think?


Education Office, Town Hall Annexe, Barking Road, East Ham, E6