16 OCTOBER 1999, Page 32

Good guy, bad guy

From Mrs M.K Fowler

Sir: I was very sorry to read that the BBC has dispensed with Boris Johnson's services as presenter of the programme The Week in Westminster (Another Voice, 9 October).

My father — Major Guy Lloyd, MP Con., as he then was — presented the same pro- gramme in about 1949. His boss was Guy Burgess.

After working under him for some time, my father told Lord Reith that he was con- vinced that Guy Burgess was not just a rag- ing queer, but also a communist of the deepest dye — political correctness had not been invented at that time — and that Lord Reith must choose between Burgess and Guy Lloyd.

Needless to say, Guy Burgess kept his job. 'Plus ga change'.

Mrs M.K Fowler

Shirley Holms, South Park Drive, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire