16 SEPTEMBER 1837, Page 9


The Rebecca. Williams, from Liverpool to Calcutta, was lost in the Ray of Bengal. the end of April. The Mary, Tureen, from Loudon to Calcutta was totally wrecked on Carg,los neer. 25th May—crew saved. Arrived—At Gravesend, Sept. 14th. Shepherdess, Glasgow, from Mauritius; and Globe, Elstloo.frum the Cape. At Deal, loth, Grecian, Richards, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 9th. Earl Grey, Adamson, from Manilla; 13th, Duncan, Cowley. from Bom- bay; 13th, William Turner, Leitch, from ditto ; and IR la, Mary Somerville. —. from Bengal. In the Clyde, 12th, M. S. Elphinstone, Small, from Rumbas. At St. Helena, July 28th, Balfour, Bee, from Bombay; 291.1r, Lotus, Gore, from aladras ; 314. Henry Porcher,—, from Bengt; and Aug. I, lulus Deuiston, Mackie, from Bombay. At the Cape, July Sill, Horteusia, Reed, from Liverpool; 13(11, Coromandel, Ito) es, from London and Story ; Sinclair, from Bengal ; 1611, Eliza, Donthwaite, from Ceyhai ; 17th. Cambridge, Douglas. from Bombay ; and Colombo, MI:eller, nom Bengal. At Bombay. May 9th, Palmirn, Loader, from London; and previous to 27th. Ediu- burgh, Nlaishall; Status Castle. Petrie; Sr:mullet& Evans, from ditto; Mary, Bibby ; and Ranger, from Liverpool. At Madras, May 3d, Mary Hartley, iestman, from Liverpool ; 9th General Kyd. teal; 11th, Clatidiue. Kemp; 26th, Altberteu, SlItittletturth; 27111, George the Fourth, Dray Her; Vansittart, NIVe...en; ALE!' Ito- bin,on. Scutt ; anti 25th, Protector, linrkenshaw, front London. At Bengal, t 'atlittrine. Ross ; Hibernia, Gillies; Kyle. Fletcher; Frances, Smith; Tamerlane. 51•Kellar ; Tapley, Tapley ; and Bengal Packet. --, from Loudou ; Eleanor, Laidnians; Earl Puwis, --; and Hope, Cockburn, from Liverpool. At Ce)lou, Nay' 26th. Agues. Cummings; and Africa. Skelton, from London. Sailed—From Liverpool, Sept. 12th, Loudon, King; and 13th, Mona, Gill, for Bengal.


Arrived—Off Dover, Eliza, --, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, Ilintloo, MGM. from Bengal. At Mauritius, June 4th, Malay. Welch, from London; and Parland. Tait. from Liverpool. At Bombay, Rapid, Head, from Liverpool. At Bengal, April 10th, Henry Porcher, Hart, from London.