16 SEPTEMBER 1876, Page 1


l‘TR. GLADSTONE'S great speech at Greenwich this day week In was delivered not precisely to an audience,—f or the majority could not have heard him,—but in the presence of a multitude estimated to reach the number of ten thousand. Yet there was nothing of the style of open-air rhetoric in it, such as was dis- cernible in the speech of 1874. It was grave, deliberate, and refined. He spoke first, in words which produced a powerful effect, on the depth to which the mind of the whole nation had been stirred :—" On Monday morning, between four and five o'clock, I was rattling through the calm and silent streets of London, without a footfall to disturb them, and every house looked so still that it might have been a receptacle of the dead. But as I came through them, I felt it to be an inspiring and noble thought, that in every one of these houses there were in- telligent human beings, who when they woke would give many of their earliest thoughts—aye, and some of their most energetic action, too—to the horrors of Bulgaria."