16 SEPTEMBER 1876, Page 3

The death of one of the youngest of the Judges,

Mr. Justice Quain,—a thoroughly-learned and scientific jurist, as well as a sound lawyer,—who died on Tuesday, after an illness of which

the latter part was very painful, will add materially to the diffi- culties of the Government in finding proper persons to fill up the vacancies in the High Court of Judicature caused by raising Sir Cohn Blackburn to be a Lord of Appeal under the new Judicature Act, and by removing Baron Bramwell, Mr. Justice Brett, and Baron Amphlett from the Primary Court to the Intermediate Court of Appeal. Possibly, Sir Harclinge Giffard, who has never been able to find a seat in the House of Commons, might be willing to go at once to the Bench, and so be relieved from his weary wanderings in search of a constituency. It is said, however, that he would -de- cline the offer if it were made. The leaders of the Bar, even those who & Leon-political are, no doubt already meditating their merits and calculating their chance, when in the night- watches their reins summon them to reflect what they are and whither going. Why not put the best jurist at the Bar upon the Bench,—Mr. Fitzjames Stephen?