16 SEPTEMBER 1911, Page 1

In this opinion the whole of France is united. The

Cabinet has arrived at its decisions with a promptitude and unanimity unknown in France for many years. The statements of French policy both by the Government and the newspapers have been simple, restrained, and free of offence and recrimination— such indeed as to command the respect of all impartial on- lookers. The German inspired Press has for some days been exhaling an atmosphere of tranquillity. The facts do not justify this any more than they justify extreme pessimism. The truth is that the German Press is manoeuvred this way and that according to the requirements of the moment, and its opinions often bear little enough relation to facts. It is a familiar expedient of diplomacy to describe the sky as cloud- less in order that when a thunderstorm suddenly swings up its appearance may be attributed to the machinations of the other side. The withdrawal of large amounts of gold from Germany shows a firm disinclination on the part of great financial houses to put money at the disposal of recklessness. This we earnestly hope will have a sobering influence. We discuss the details of the situation elsewhere.