16 SEPTEMBER 1911, Page 14



Sin,—Referring to the letter from the Hon. Secretary of the Decimal Association in your issue of the 9th inst., may I respectfully suggest that your readers—instead of taking notice of what a committee said either in 1862 or 1895— should rather be guided by up-to-date knowledge. Seeing that in 1895 almost the whole of the chambers of commerce, municipalities, and many other public bodies were clamouring for the metric system, and that it would be probably bard to find half a dozen such bodies to-day, I would like to ask your readers to inquire the reason. " Why all this change of attitude P" If they have any difficulty in ascertaining the reason I shall be pleased to help them.—I am, Sir, &c., GEORGE MOORES,

Secretary British Weights and Measures Association.

14 Cross Street, Manchester.

[W We cannot continue this correspondence.—Ed. Spectator.