16 SEPTEMBER 1916, Page 1

Lord Northcliffe has written from Pamplona and San Sebastian two

long articles on German propagandism in Spain. The number of German residents—mostly business men—has been greatly swelled since the outbreak of war by an influx of refugees from France and Portugal, and soldiers and civilians from Cameroon Lord Northcliffe puts the total at eighty thousand—ubiquitous. and active propagandists, who have inspired the great majority of the newspapers with a conviction of the invincibility of Germany, and can rely on the support of a great part of the aristocracy, practically the whole of the clergy, Jesuit and otherwise, with in addition a large body of middle-class Spaniards. Lord North- cliffe omits to mention, however, that a memorial of protest against the treatment of Belgium by Germany was signed by seven hundred of the most distinguished Spanish Roman Catholics.