16 SEPTEMBER 1938, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SP*.ia.rox] • SIR,—Your article on "The Fate of Europe" suggests to me

a point which I ask you to allow me to make public. '

It is stated that the Germans "having asked for the Swiss model and got it, are now demanding the Irish model" for the Sudeten Germans in the matter of self-government. What about the minority in Germany of the people called Jews and their rights to freedom and a decent standard of living?

One could wish that the British Ministers "whose chief concern it has been to press the Czechs to the utmost limit of concession" would tackle Herr Hitler with a iiew to getting something "just and generous "for Jewish Germans, as well as for Christian people who, like Pastor Niemoller, have been suffering from a terror which, if not" bloody," 'is intolerable.— I am, yours faithfully, H. C. McCom.. 9 Hazelwood Road, Glasgow, S.r.