16 SEPTEMBER 1989, Page 28

Sir: I plan an expedition in the near future, and

wonder whether any readers might like to join me on it.

LETTERS The aim is to discover what lies in that Possibly dangerous territory, the gap be- hind the Spectator radiators. I cannot say for certain whether anything of value might be found there, and hesitate to include under that heading my letter which you published last week. I do know, however, that I sent it to you in February.

Perhaps I am being unfair, and blame should be given to the General Post Office. If so, then the scheme I propose is all the more necessary. I have since found that stocks of reply-paid envelopes are avail- able in many post offices: one can fill in about 20 of these during an average wait.

Christopher Hawtree,

53 Westbourne Street, Hove, Sussex.