17 APRIL 1830, Page 12


THE fortunate possessor of Mr. HAYDON'S fine picture of " Eucles," is Mr. N. SMITH, of Dulwich ; who, although a subscriber but for a single share, threw a tie with the Duke of BEDFORD the bolder of five, and Mr. ,STRUTT of Derby, the holder of twelve shares : on the second cast of the dice he outnumbered them. In the list of subscribers to the raffle, were Sir WALTER SCOTT, Sir THOMAS LAWRENCE, Lord LEVESON GOWER, Sir FRANCIS BURDETT, and many other eminent names. Mr. HAYDON has announced his intention to put up his amusing picture of "Punch and Judy" to raffle at the same price of five hundred guineas, in fifty shares of ten guineas each ; and the popular nature of the subject combining with the merit of the picture, will, we doubt not, speedily fill his subscription-list. We would recommend the Duke of BEDFORD, or any other disappointed competitor in the raffle for "Eucles," to revenge himself by giving the artist a commission for a picture, his possession of which he may place beyond " the hazard of the die."