17 APRIL 1880, Page 13


[To TRII EDITOR OF THE "SPECT•TOR,"1 SIR,—Kindly let me explain, in reference to your criticism of my edition of "Gilpin's Forest Scenery," that the illustrations

which I give in the new volume are as near fac-similes of Gilpin's pictures as it was possible to get. When I say that for the latter I have substituted "the most skilful artistic work of the present day, for the conventional drawing and engraving of the eighteenth century," I merely desire to show that the original illustrations — which, though excellent in intention, were clumsily drawn and out of proportion—have been care- fully redrawn by a competent modern artist, and engraved on wood in the best style of to-day, instead of being executed as aquatint engravings.

Will you also kindly permit me to say that my object in editing and republishing" Gilpin's Forest Scenery "—of the third revised edition of which there had been no reissue since 1808 —was simply to revive a famous book, full of valuable sugges- tions and delightful reflections on the beauties of Nature, and not to produce work of my own on the subject with which the "Forest Scenery" deals ?—I am, Sir, &c.,

[Mr. Heath appears to us to say, first, that his illustrations are as near the originals as possible, and next, that they have all been mediumised. The statements seem incousisteut.—En. Spectator.]