17 APRIL 1880, Page 3

An excited interest has been roused this week as to

the fate -of the 'Atalanta," training-ship, which succeeded the ill-fated. 4Eurydice.' She is a sailing-ship of 958 tons, commanded by Captain Stirling, and was sent out for a training cruise to the West Indies, with some 300 men and youths on board. She arrived at Bermuda on January 29th, and left on the 31st, and has never since been heard of. The alarm, therefore, among 300 families, and in the whole country, is very great, but it is possibly exaggerated. The ship was a good one, and well com- manded; she had ample supplies on board for sixty days ; and though unheard of for 79 days, vessels have been known to take 94, having been becalmed en route. She may also have been dismasted, and unable to move without assistance. No tornado has been reported from her probable route, and a story 'of a ship seen copper upwards has been disproved. There will be, at all events, a chance for twenty days yet.