17 APRIL 1897, Page 24

The Story of Maurice L'Estrange. By G. W. T. Omond.

(A. and C. Black.)—Maurice L'Estrange is a Scotchman whose grand- father, an exile of the English Revolution, takes the name of the rich widow he marries. L'Estrange:goes to Scotland in the year 1765 to make acquaintance with the main branch of the family, and has much to say about Scottish customs and Edinburgh society. He strikes up a warm friendship with a cousin, and is finally involved, to a certain extent, in a great poisoning case. The picture of Scotch manners during the later half of the eighteenth century is really:admirable, and in:no way interferes with the narrative, which is stirring and becomes dramatic at the last. Good as the plot is, and the story and the characters were well known under their real names, it is the social life of the period which is the chief success of the author, who has written one of the most readable and vivid stories of that period that we have seen for a long time.