17 APRIL 1936, Page 3

Red Cross Aeroplanes for Abyssinia The efforts Lady Gladstone is

making to replace the Red Crossaeroplane which crashed in Abyssinia a month ar two ago are fortunately meeting with success. The number of contributions received is large, but since the indiVidual amounts are mainly small further help is required. A telegram received froin Addis Ababa from Sir Sidney Barton this week states that " urgency of need cannot be exaggerated." The British Minister adds that the arrival of a new aeroplane, or aeroplanes (for it . is possible that two smaller machines rather than one large one will be despatched) would be an immense encouragement to the Red Cross authorities at work in the country. The gas-war obviously lays new burdens on the Red Cross workers. Contributions, which, as already mentioned, are urgently required, shOuld be sent to Lady Gladstone at 15 GrOsvenor creScent,_