17 APRIL 1971, Page 29

Books wanted

Sir: I should like to thank you for your service in providing an op- portunity for subscribers and regu- lar readers to register their 'wants' in the 'Books Wanted' columns.

In the early weeks of this year you very kindly included on my behalf a request for a book by W. F. Harvey (author of The Beast with Five Fingers and other super- natural tales). This appeared for several weeks free of charge. It produced three replies, two of them front relatives of the author, his daughter and his sister-in-law. In addition to obtaining a copy of the book which I was seeking, I secured several copies of books by the author which were previously unknown to me and had the addi- tional pleasure of corresponding with close members of his family about his life and works.

I should like to record my ap- preciation of this service which, so far as I know, is exclusive to the SPECTATOR and Rooks and Book- men.

L. J. Coverley

Chelmsford Hall, Eastbourne •