17 APRIL 2004, Page 28

From Nolan Walker Sir: David Lovibond says that we should

welcome migrants prepared to share an anglocentric world view. I'm sure that, like you, he thinks Eastern Europeans are an essential part of our economy, as they are willing to do jobs that we are too lazy to do.

But there is nothing intrinsic in Eastern Europeans that makes them work harder than Western Europeans — it is simply that they come from a more deprived part of the world. If these immigrants work in Britain, they will become naturalised. They, or at the very least their children, will then be assimilated into British culture and thus become just as lazy as us. Put simply, if British people are lazy, then anglicised Eastern Europeans will become just as lazy too.

Surely, then, anglicising immigrants is a very temporary solution. Should we not be addressing the problem of why British people will not do these jobs?

Nolan D. Walker
