17 AUGUST 1844, Page 9

It is announced, we see, in our advertising columns, that

the sub- scription for a "national testimonial" to Mr. Rowland Hill is to close early next month. We believe that the sum subscribed is large, but that it is still not what it ought to be. This was partly inevitable in the course of the events connected with the Penny Postage. A testi- tnonial was talked of long ago ; but at first people were not so certain as they are now whether they should derive any benefit from the mea- sure, or how much benefit : then it was not at all expected that Govern- ment would treat Mr. Hill as they did ; and now the proposal for a tes- timonial is renewed when the impulses of gratification at obtaining the measure have subsided, and people have almost forgotten how glad they were. The proposal, however, is as reasonable as ever it was ; and all who are really sensible of a public service, which two Governments have ineffectually tried to shirk, should do their best to make the voluntary testimonial a speaking commentary on the wilful neglect of Cabinets. There is yet time enough to push forward the subscription 'effectively.