17 AUGUST 1867, Page 1

The Emperor of the French visits the Emperor of Austria

at Salzburg on Monday in strict incognito, but accompanied by his Foreign Minister, M. de Moustier, and by the Duke de Gram- _ mont. He will be met by the Austrian Chancellor of the Empire, Baron von Beast, and Prince Metternich. Neither Empress will be present, the Empress of Austria preferring Ischl, and the Empress Eugenie therefore staying behind. The official reason for the visit is the necessity of condoling with the Emperor Francis Joseph on the execution of his brother, condolences in which M. de Moustier could hardly assist ; the real reason, as we have tried to explain elsewhere, the necessity Napoleon feels of securing some one European ally. The impression in Germany is that he will fail, and the latest rumour, which we distrust, is that Count von Bismarck has anticipated him with an offer which has proved acceptable.