17 AUGUST 1867, Page 2

The French used to be the frog-eating peoplepar excellence, and

Englishmen, who eat pork, which Mussulmans consider unclean, and eggs, which Hindoos think filthy, and eels, which Scotchmen abhor, and black-pudding, which turns all decent people sick, used to sneer at them for the taste. It has, however, it appears, spread in America, and a Buffalo paper states that 2,000 frogs are eaten in Buffalo every day. The legs only are eaten, as in France, and cost 7s. 6d. a hundred, and so great is the demand at that price that the dealers will take any number, and 300,000 have been killed in Buffalo in a single season. The habit has not yet per- ceptibly affected the American national character.