17 AUGUST 1918, Page 11



Sia,—I wonder if the country will ever recognize those men who responded to the call of their King and country before the days of Conscription, but were found medically unfit. There must be many men who, like myself, volunteered in the early days of the

war and have been rejected many times since. I myself tried to join the Army in August, 1914, April, 1915, February, 1916 (for which I have the Derby armlet). and I was- called up in August, 1917, and finally rejected. Surely some badge might be given to those men who volunteered, say, before September, 1216. It might be of the same pattern as the silver badge, only of bronze Instead of silver, and with the words "Volunteered for King and Country" on the face. The date of discharge could be inscribed with the man's name on the back. It ought not to be difficult to prove the bona fides of the applicant from his own documents and those in possession of the War Office. Must we always be branded as "slackers," &c., and suffer in silence P—I am, Sir, &c..

J. E. B.