17 AUGUST 1945, Page 14


Sta,—An Education Officer who tendered his resignation in accordance with the terms of his appointment received a reply from the Air Ministry informing him that under the conditions of the Control of Employment (Civil Servants) Order he was not free to terminate his engagement. Before the receipt of this reply his headmaster had written to the Ministry of Education making an earnest request for his release as it had never been possible to fill his vacated position as senior assistant master, and the headmaster hrnself had, throughout the war, been subjected to the most severe strain running the school practically single- handed.

The Ministry of Education replied by a stereotyped letter pointing out—as was already known by that time—that since R.A.F. Education Officers were civilians, they were affected by the regulation referred to above and that, in view of the Air Ministry's need of them to implement their E.V.T. Scheme, the Ministry of Education could not take any steps in the matter.

The fact that emerges from this is that the Ministry of Education appear to back the Air Ministry even to the extent of depriving schools of their most urgently needed teachers. In view of recent educational reforms, or proposed reforms, this action on the part of the Ministry of Education should surely be subjected to the very closest enquiry.—