17 AUGUST 1945, Page 2

Zionist Ambitions

The political declaration issued by the World Zionist Conference on Monday goes far beyond the bounds of reason. It demands the constitution of " Palestine, undivided and undiminished, as a Jewish State," and adds " in accordance with the purpose of the Balfour Declaration." Such a solution, so far from being in accordance with the Declaration, would be a direct violation of it. That often mis- quoted document did not offer the conversion of Palestine into a Jewish State, but the establishment " in Palestine " of a national home for the Jewish people. Moreover, it laid down that " nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities." this clause, which assures the rights of the Arabs, is completely overridden by the quite inadmis- sible demand that Palestine should be turned into a Jewish State, that the Jewish Agency should be empowered to import as many Jews as it likes with unlimited rights to develop the country, and that an international loan should be floated to transfer " the first million of Jews " to Palestine—a number which would completely swamp the existing Arab population, even if that small country could support so many immigrants, which is extremely doubtful. By pro- posals such as these the Conference can do nothing but harm to the interests of the Jews throughout the world. It is idle, incidentally. to insist that the presence of the Jews would bring economic advan- tages to the Arabs. Why should it be assumed that material pros- perity is the Arab's chief aspiration? Is it the Jew's?