17 AUGUST 1956, Page 6


President Nasser . . . was calm, informal, and chatty.—Daily Herald, August 13.

Desperately worried, the Dictator of Egypt hummed and hawed, hesitated and evaded . . his face was drawn and at times almost a sickly yellow.—Daily Mail, August 13.

President Nasser turned down the invitation coolly, calmly.. . • —News Chronicle, August 13.

He nervously puffed a cigarette.—Daily Telegraph, August 13.

Speaking in a low, almost diffident voice.—Daily Telegraph, August 13.

The calm confidence with which he spoke.—The Times, August 13.


Unsmiling throughout . . .—News Chronicle, August 13.

Flashing a toothpaste advertisement smile . . .—Daily Mail, August 13.

With a half smile on his lips . . .—Daily Express, August 13.