17 DECEMBER 1831, Page 11



On the 12th inst. at Swanbourne, Buckinghamshire, the Lady of Sir THOMAS FRAN: CTS'FRENIANYLE, Bart. M.P. et a son. At St. Hillier, Jersey. the Lady of J, DE Vratr.t.i:, Esq. of twins, a boy and a girl. At her prey-ions acconcheneut, Mrs. a"-; VerEl.p: gave birth to two boys. both now living.

On the 6th inst. at Aldwick Lodge, Bognor, the Lady of Lient.-Col. JENKINS, of the Holt. East India Company's Service, ota sou. On the :3rd inst. at Lakefield, near Inverness, the Lady of A. C. MAeLsAN, Esq. of Calcut to, eta daughter. On the St hi hist. in Belgrave Square, the Eight lion. Lady CAVENDISII of a son and heir.

On the 11th inst. in Strat fon; Place, lit e Lady oro. w, TAEPS, Esq. of a son. On the 15tit inst. in Morrien Square. Int"tlin. the Marchioness of II EaeFonT of a son. OIL the 13th inst. at chiraii, Lady FRANcEs JENIINIA blOoDEVE, Of a thughter.


On the 13111 ins:. R. T. G MEIN. Esq. only son or Rielianl Gilpin, Esq. of Hoekliffe Grange. BedtbrIshire, to lovt,A, daughter of Lieut.-Den. Browne, of 'Weymouth, in the county of Dorset. On the (lilt inst. at Bow, ,etl, the seat of the of Lansdowne. the Lord "Viscount

\ ,on ,X 11E. Earl or :\ 'Lorna 1:a,cerate. to Mitts FIELDING, eldest elalv;111,,r of Cap". Fichling. E.N., and Italy On the 13th in-4. at Si. Patients New (.'hutch, Joins 11Anst:r, Esq. of his Majesty's General Pest-on:ye. to sec!!! t, tlatteliter of Robert Barron, Esq. of 31...4:lel:burg square.

On the slim inst. at Nieholos Chinch. Worrester. tit,. Rev. Time No BLACK:OA); :s:ows'.1., or cliehoidoini, to CATHERINE, eldest daughter or Samuel Crane, Esq. or that city.

On the 9th inst. at Cladctry, in the eounty of Radnor. errAttr.ss ilurroN, Esq. to Miss GcORGIANa FRANCr:s WILICIN,. of Maeslough, in the came county.


On the 9th inst. at his house, Ashford, near Staines, Lieut.-Col. Grottos R. DEARF; ill Ili:, 55th year.

On the Hill Oct. at JaMalea. Sir WiT.T.TA7.1 SeATZLETT. Chief Justice.

On the ;tit November, at Mnrseine:, Joey ArrottN, Esq. of Lachdairay. Fifeshire. On the 15th inst. at Callatleti ToWII, SEEINE OGILVY, DJ% late 'Minister of Old Alwrileett, in his ;6th year.

Don Fit lg.'-Ilia a.s MTnaNT, first Mexiean Agent in England, appointed in 1553 by the thwyrnatyn! or Mexico, and afterwards Consul-Gem-rah At the Rectory House, Rev. C. :-.mm..r. M.A., -Rector. ofDetiling. Nottinghamshire. lie! Still ult.. at I nimhy, ls ttE!. ILAV.—V■ ',low or .lame: Gray-, well 1110 a pwlia (ion or " limner Ea v."—s I 111, tulyancsul age of lo.} years. For the last lifiy-two years she ?tad never been ititt m on the 15th inst. in his ;Mit year. the Vey. JAMEs hector or Chastleton, oxterdshire. formerly Fellow of New college.

On t Ito I Ith inst. at Nuneaton. Warwiek-hire, in his 29th year, the llev. EDWARD Rector of Ilardwieke, 'Northamptonshire. On the nth inst. 1IERttt:teT JouNsoN, B.A. Fellow of Wadhara College, Oxford, in his 21st year.

On Weditestlay Dacember 14th, te.usl 42. EsruER, II!. beloved wife of Mr. John Harris, of Abingdon, linemdrapar, leaving, a bereaved hush:nut and thirteen children to deplore their irreparable loss.

At Bath, in his 45th year, Lieutenant-Colonel II. Gammyr COOPER, Honourable East India Company's service. On the 12th inst. at his seat, Whitmore Hall, in the county of Stafford, CRAWLER MstNwsnIxo, Esq. in his 45th year. On the 15th inst. in Bryanston liquare, HARDIN, the infant son of Joseph Hume, Esq. M. P. On the 13th inst. at his house in Eaton Szqnare, in his 68th year, the Rev. FRANCIS ANNESLEY, of Eydon, in the county of Northampton. On the 14th inst. suddenly, at his brother's house, at Tottenham, James HOLT, Esq. in his 83d year.