17 DECEMBER 1831, Page 2

Marshal SOULT and the Duke of ORLEANS returned to Paris

on Monday. They left Lyons peaceable, if not peaceful. The Cham- ber of Commerce of that city has addressed a memorial to Govern- ment, praying for the restoration of the 1,1, per cent. transit duty, and fur a bounty of 2 per cent. on exported silks. The state of the city, we may observe, is hardly alluded to in the French journals ; a proof that it is not looked on as dangerous. The Siumbt Al—which labours harder than all its friends put together to persuade its readers that " the world is all gone wrong "—com- mends to attention a letter of its " cool - correspondent, from which we should be induced to suppose that there was a semi- rebellionin almost every town of France. This is, we presume, the same cool person who last week found out that PORTALIS and his party were admirers of murder, for wishing to abolish the comme- moration of Louis the Sixteenth's death.

Akin to this rumour of revolution, is a story given by the .2Va- tioncd, and repeated here by those who must laugh while they re- peat it, that Earl GREY had agreed to assist Don PEDRO in driv- ing out Don MIGUEL, on the express condition that Don PEnao did not give the Portuguese a constitution, and that this condition bad been communicated to FERDINAND in order to secure his neu- trality ! The provisional vote of credit was carried on Tuesday by a very large majority.