17 DECEMBER 1831, Page 21


G. and W. S. TITISTLETON, Liverpool-BURDETT and Evans, Lutterworth, surgeons- G. and J. NontN, Liverpool, flour-dealers-STEWART and IIEmixowav, Liverpool, wine- merchants-Hourawmt and Ltso, solicitors-SvommAtE and Co. Liverpool, soap.- boilers-NEwam, and Co. spirit-merchants-M'Anoett and Co. Liverpool, ship- wrights; as fir as regards Citerenmat-Gitt. and Co. Kilmington, linen-drapers- GRIFFITH and PRIOR, Rotherhithe, ship-breakers-CLEGG and FAIRBURN, High Town, card-makers-TAYLOR and Itarxs, Manchester, cotton-spinners-Roxnr and SHARPE, Broad Street, Radcliffe, bread-bakers.


MARTIN, CHARLES ELWORTHY, New Street, Dorset Square, Maulebone, linen-draper Dec. 10.

REDMAN, EDWARD, Worthing, shopkeeper, Dec. 12.


HERITAGE, JAMES, Uxbridge, draper, from Dec. 16 to Dec. 22.


ANDERSON, Borne Wu.sor, Bradford, Yorkshire, oil, paint, and colour dealer, to surrender Dec. 19, 20, Jan. 24: solicitors, Battye and Co. Chancery Lane ; Mr. Lee, Bradford; and Mr. Hargreaves, Leeds. BENHOW, THOMAS, Tenbury, mercer and draper, Dec. 29, 30, Jan. 24 : solicitors, Mr; Green, Worcester ; and Messrs. Richardson and Talbot, Bedford Row.

BED/NETTS, JONAS, and ROBINS, NICHOLAS, Gunnis Lake, Cornwall, granite-mer- chants, Dec. 27, 28, Jan. 24; solicitors, Mr. Husband, Devonport ; and Mr. Smith, Basinghall Street. Butz, Joan, Mitcham, brewer, Dec. 20, 23, Jan. 24 : solicitor, Mr. Crouch, Billiter Square.

CHAPMAN, RICHARD, Newport, Monmouthshire, painter and glazier, Dec. 17, 19, Jan, 24: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Hall, Bristol. FULLER, CHRISTOPHER, Bridge Town, Barbadoes, and Paradise Row, Islington, mei, chant, Dec. 20, 27, and Jan. 24: solicitor, Mr. Holmes, Liverpool Street, Broad Street. GLOVER, BENJAMIN, Watling Street, calico-printer and factor, Dec. 19, Jan. 3,24 : so- licitor, Mr. Leigh, George Street, Mansionhonse. GODDEN, GEORGE, Havant, chemist and druggist, Dec, 27, 28, Jan. 24: solicitors, Mr. Hildyard, Furnival's Inn ; and Mr. Walker, Portsea_ G YNTON, JOHN, Cheltenham, confectioner, Dec. 27,28, Jan. 24: solicitors, Mr. Blower, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Messrs. Griffiths and Proem. Cheltenham. HENTREY, WILT.TANI, Northampton, wine and spirit-merchant, Dec. 20, 27, Jan. 24: solicitor, Mr. Michael, Red Lion Square. HERBERT, JOHN, Hatton Garden, builder, Dec. 16, 23, Tan. 21: solicitor, Mr. Jay; Sergeant's Inn, Fleet Street. HOLMAN, JAMES, Bermondsey, millwright, Dec. 20, 27, Jan. 24: solicitor, Mr. Fitch, Union Street, Southwark. MOLINEUN, Mictrazz, Hertford' cabinet-maker and upholsterer, Dee. 23, 30, Jan. 24: solicitors, Messrs. Tilbury and Wood, Falcon Street, Aldersgate Street. sAuNoeus, Sosax, Great Coram Street. hoarding and lodging house keeper, Dec, 23; 30, Jau, 24 ; solicitor, Mr, Vincent, Bedford Street, Bedford Square. TAnyrrow, RICHARD, Liverpool. hat-manufacturer, Dec. 23, 24, Jan. 24: solicitors, Mr. Vincent, King's Bench Walk, Temple ; and Messrs. Groeott and Docker, Liverpool. W ARD, THONIA6 WILLIAM, Ilishoesgate Street, woollen-draper, Dec. 16, 23, Jan. 24 : solicitor, Mr. Burt, Mitre Court, Milk Street.

Wsr.r.s, :Infix, Kingston-upon-Hull, merchant, Dec. 15.16, Jan, 24 : solicitors, ;Messrs. Hicks and Marris, Gray's Inn Square: and Messrs. Haire and Co. Hull.

W ir,r.rams, HENny, Droitwiell, builder, Dcc. 26, 27. Jan. '24 : solicitors, Messrs. White and Whitmore, Old Square, Lincoln's Inn; and Iloldsworth and Co. Worcester.


Jan. 3, Illalteman, Limelamse, timber-merchant--Tan. 3, Swire, Norfolk Street, Strand, bookseller-Jan. 3. Bent, Lincoln's Inn Fields, merchant-Jan. 3, Evans, Northumbetland Street, tailor-Jan. 10, ?.li mire- and Jeves, Upper East Smithfield, oilmen-Jan. 3, Pontin, Turnrnill Street, Cow Cross, wire-nearer-,Tan. 10, kirk- patrick, Lime Street, merchant-Jan. lu, Devine, Slinmshire Place, St. Pancras. smith -Jan. 3, Phi1lhr, Carey Street, dealer and (711aprattn-Jan. 10, N aish. Shept on llallett, clothier-Jan. lo, ; ittlerlge, St. Albans, brandy-merchant-Jam It, Bernie, Pall Mall, tailor-Jan. Ili, Bikini, druggist--Jan. 6, Jacob, Dept 00.11-Iner- chant-Jan. 3, Hurst and Robinson, Pall Mall, booksellers-Jan. 3, Thorrithw.iitt, and Co. Fleet Street, ironmongers-Jan. 3, Danis, hornbill. optician-Jan. 3, Jackom, Poaltry, glass-cutter-Jan. 3, Grill, Minster Court, Mincing Lane, mereltant-Jan. 3, Stavenhagen, renehurch Street, merchant-Jan. 3, Marsh, Tilbury, Stailindshire, grocer-Jan. 3, Jay, Broad Street, St. James's, upholsterer-Jan. 3, Eb.• in, Iht...kney, coal-inerchant -Jan . 3 llllllllllllllllll Ipswich, mosey-scrivener-Jan. 3. leader, Watford, ironnionger-Jan. 3, Daniell, !Atm. St reel, provision-merchant-Jan. 3, Edneinds jun. St evning. t imber-nterchant -Jan. It, N t":itt, George Yard, Lombard Stret.i, Itraker-Jau. 3, Wilkinson, Wapping. oil-merchant---Jan. 3, Enunerson, Aldermanbary, warehouse- man-Jan. 3, Watkins, Old Kent Road, victualler-Jan. 3, Paxon jun. Berwick-upon- Tweed, linen-draper-Jan. 3, Perko, Ilenl,y-upon-Thames, linen-draper-Jan. 3, Allen, Aldersgate Street, druggist-Jan. 3, Powell, Chiswell Street, surgeon-Jan. 3, Adams and Spragg, Great St. Thomas Apostle, v. holesale-stationers-.Tan. 10, Crthkwell, Tor-

quay, builder-Jan. 3, Fellav idersgaic Street, broker--.fan. 3. Maniglier, 'Mincing Lane, mercba lit -Ja 3, I 'Horsham, Sussex, victualler-.Teti. 3, Shin :nut ('i i.

lit.twond, Bite End Beall, fivers-.Tan. 3, Worts, Wapping I I tdli Strict,

-Jan. 3, Fossick. Munilbrd Court. Milk Street, warehauseiliaii-J an. 3, I la mbiy, Great Midi Alley, merchant-7Jan. 3, Smith, Lawrence Pountney Place, merchant-Jan. 3. T. and II. F. Martin,' Coleman Street, broker,,--Jan. 3, Aid:tad, Bury Street, mer- chant-Jan. 3, II ia !goon, Piazza Cotlia.thouse, Covent Garden, De-IDerell■Int -.Ian. 3, Waylett, Lombard Streit, la mt-Ina ker-Jalt. 3. UDwlr, Wilderness Bow-, Goaacll Street, engineer-Jan. 3, Carla:al and I. Ibuthill eV-111W, 3, Hawthorn and Lloyd, Iltirton.m on-Trent, linenulrapers-Jan. 4, Adams, Baiting:Jean, wine-merchant -.lam 4, Rau, Coleman Sfreot, paioter-Jan. 5. Leach, Cantor' utry, dr:zper-Jan. 4, Francis, Ileyt eslorry, Wlii shire, clothier-Dee. 27, Living, St. I eb•it's Phtee, merchant -Jan. 3, R. mut W. Wythes, Dlite-End,13irmingliarn, grocers-I an. 3, W. and E. Pe- therbridge, Whiteehapel,-- Ibien-drapers-Dee. .20, AiorhhDe, I:any St. Edmund's, inn- keeper-Jam :3, ibbmm, Lincoln, en B town, Halithx, Yorkshire, mereleint--Jon.1, Ilo.loon jun. Bradford "Moor, Yorkshire, woolsla pler-J an. lit, Stun h jun. Birmingham, factor-Jan. 7, Dempsi%Manehesrer, baker-Jan. 5, Benson sett. Manchester. ta a nod ,sion-a gent -.Tan. 4, C rue and Stevemon, Liverpool, merchants- Jan. 3. Stocking, Paternoster how, books,lier.


Tube granted, un!ess cause be shown to the contrary, nn or luf;,r.? Jan. 3.

Strong, Thomas 551 rod, Ft. George's-in-the-East, baker-Elwin, Cambridge Heath Wharf, Hackney, coal-atereliant -Coblard. Enlield Highway, schoolmaster-Wood, Shrewsbury, tanner-j. William: sell, and J. 'Williams jun. Houndmlitch, coppersmiths -Morgan jun. Walk, Carina rt maltster-Lonsdale, Preston, grocer-Turner, 1'intwistle, Chester. cotton-spinner-Baker, Bat ilea:Atm, Somerset shire, silk-manufac- turer-Dunell, St. John Street, Smithfield, dealer iu hay-Ludtlington, Stoke Newitto•- ...

ton Road, coal-merchant. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.

ItortErcrsoN, Jong, and FonmAx, ALEXANDER MELoattm, Glasgow, spirit-merchants Dee. 16, 31.

KENNEDY, KENNEDY, JOHN, Glasgow, painter, Dee. 14, 29.

Friday, December 1G.


J. and W. Num:tr.:cry, High Holborn, carpet-dealers-DAWnATtN and SCOTT, Liver- pool, linen-drapers-Wm.t.s and Iluakrr.r, Nottingham, linen-drapers-TitrasTox and Co. Ashford, Kent, carpanters-il 1/F:,:c and Co. Canterbury, brewers ; as far as regards PEARCE-WATsox and Cu. 3Ialichoster, itortmantealt-tuakers...1


TIARNFI ELT), WILMA Nr jun. Mark Lane, wine-merchant, to surrender Dec. 23, 30, Jan 27: solicit-to s, Messrs. 11ml-whale and Ashmore, Coleman Street.

BISSil„ WI br,rAst, Quoriclon, Leicestershire. bowl-manutheturer, Jan. 4, 5, 27 : soli-

citors, Messrs. Norris ;nal John Street. Boltbrd Row.

CROSBEE, THOMAS, Birmingham, caster, Dec. 23, 24, Jan. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Austen and Hobson, Gray's Inn.

ELL !SON, LA MEETLY, Knareslxwough, flax-spinner, Dec. 29, 30, Jan, 27: solicitors, _Messrs. Strangwayes and Walker, Baruartl's Inn.

GILLiNG, TooNlis. Stoke Lane, Somursetshire, paper-maker, Dec. 29, 30, Jan. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Adlingt.M and Co. Bedford Row.

G Ray, JA ME,,, Blackman Street, Southwark, victualler, Dec. 19, 26, Jan. 27: solici- tor, Mr. Smith. Great Easteheap. HoPsms, :Form Ilare Street, Woolwich, grocer, Dec. 20, 27, San. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Hutchison and 'meson, Threadneedle Street.

HIATT, Josrmr, Crown Court, Broad Street, wine-merchant, Dec. 19, 26, Jan. 27: ol ithor, Mr. Chambers. Fimd airy Circus. HOLDSTOCK, JAMES llo4arotAx, Liverpool, commission-agent, Dec. 29, Jan. 2, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and I lughes, Chancery Lane.

JOHNSON, JOHN NORRIsnle, FosTER. JONATHAN, and WALSH, Jottte, Liverpool, oilmen, Jan. 2, 4, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Attlington and Co. Bedford Row.

M:inTrig, JOHN ARNOLD, Earl's Colne, Essex, victualler, Dec. 26, 27. Jan. 27: soli- citors, Messrs. Wiglesworth and 11 idsdale, Gray's Inn Square.

McartAy, Ar.ritio, Mark Lane, flour-factor, Dec. 23, 30, Jan. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Tarim and Co. Temple.

i.;•; AV I N, G EORGE, Bridgewater, grocer, Dec. 27, 23, Jan. 27: solicitor, Mr. Bennett, real ber.ton Buildings, Holborn.

NEI•sox, .Tons, 'hill's Buildings' Chancery Lane, livery-stable-keeper, Dec. 20, 27, Jan. 27: solicitor, Mr. Burn, Bell Yard, Doctor's Commons.

JONES, 'WILLIAM, PWLLMELYN, Flintshire, lead-merchaut, Dec. 19, 20, Jan. 27 : soli- citors, :Messrs. Milne and Co. Temple. SNELL, WILLI Nt, Tutuess, Devonshire, linendraper, Dec. 20, 27, Jan. 27: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size Lane.

S.4DLER, THOMAS WAT.ItER, Old Bailey, oilman, Dec. 20, 27, Jan. 27: solicitors, Messrs. Chinon and Perron, High Street, Southwark.

Show, WILLIAM, Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall, coach-maker, Dec. 23, Jan. 3, 27: solicitor, Mr. Bailey, Berner's Street.

SPR1NGETT, 'JOHN, Linton, Kent, cattle-dealer, Dcc. 23, 30, Jan. 27 ; solicitor, Mr. Sutton, Clement's Inn, Strand.

SHEFFIELD, CHARLEs, Commercial Terrace, Limehouse, china-dealer, Dec. 23, Jan. 2, 27: solicitor, Mr. Horsley, Berners Street. Commercial Road East.

STOTT, SAMUEL, Rochdale, Lancashire, corn-dealer, Dec. 29, 31, Jan. 27 ; solicitors, Messrs. Walinsley and Co. Chancery Lane.