17 DECEMBER 1831, Page 9

Mr. Corder, the Vestry Clerk of St. Paul's, Covent Garden,

has addressed a letter to the Morning Papers, in which, by an induction of facts, he clearly proves that the body which led to the discovery and conviction of Bishop and Williams was that of Carlo Ferrari, and that the confessions of the murderers were as worthless as themselves. We need not go over the proof ; the points of which we indicated last week, when we gave the confessions.

Shields, the porter who was employed by Bishop and Williams to carry the body of the Italian boy to King's College, appeared in Co- vent Garden market on Wednesday, to resume his calling as a porter. He had not been many minutes in the market when he was pointed out by some persons who knew him, and was almost immediately assailed by a general groan and other demonstrations of indignation and dis- gust. Shields made a precipitate retreat into Long Acre, followed by a crowd of persons, groaning, hooting, and hissing him as he ran. He finally took refuge in the office at Bow Street; whence he was con- veyed to his lodgings under escort.

Four quarters of unwholesome beef were seized in the shop of a Mr. Kimber, Newgate Market, on Tuesday, and a quantity of pork chops at another butcher's, and condemned to be burned at Smithfield. The sentence was carried into execution on Tuesday evening.

Two children, one four and the other three years old, belonging to a ;person named Fletcher, in the New Road, were very nearly poisoned on Tuesday, in consequence of eating some dough, in which arsenic was mixed for poisoning rats. The poison was ejected by the adminis- tration of emetics ; but the children, especially the youngest, are not out of danger.