17 DECEMBER 1910, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 you allow me to contradict a statement made by "L. H." on p. 1025 of your last issue ? John Bradshawe, President of the High Court of Justice which sentenced King Charles I., never lived at Bury Hall in Edmonton, nor had any connexion whatever with the place. Bury Hall was bought from Ensebius Andrewes in 1637 by Joshua Gaillard. His grandson, Joshua Gaillard, married in 1706 Elizabeth Bradshavve, sister and heir of George Brads.hawe, of Brad- shaw, Co. Derby, from whom Bury Hall descended to my brother, who sold it soon after my father's death. Judge Bradshawe was a cadet of the house of Bradsha.we, of Marple Hall, Co. Chester, and at the time of his death in 1659 was only remotely related to the head of the family of Braclahawe of Bradshaw, from whom was :descended Mrs. Gaillard of Bury Hall. I know the house well, and there is no truth in the secret-passage tradition.—I am, Sir, &c.,


The Nether House, Wirksworth.