17 DECEMBER 1910, Page 16

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR, — Having built two

small houses of concrete blocks in the early part of this year, I have since given my attention to the building of workmen's cottages at a cost of about £130. I am building a block of six cottages, of which three are now finished. Each cottage contains five rooms as shown on the plan enclosed; all the rooms are well lighted. The kitchen has a cupboard with drawers under, and the scullery a boiler and sink and is well shelved; the large bedroom has a hanging wardrobe ; the stairs are of easy go and have no objectionable winders. In front is a small garden fifteen feet square, behind a concrete yard fifteen feet square, divided from others by a six-foot wall, and beyond it is an e.c. and coalhouse, a private road, and a garden extending thirty yards in length. I am prepared to sell the cottages and land inclusive for £145 each for three or six. The houses are each supplied with water from the Thirlmere main. My blocks are made of five parts sand and clinkers to one part of cement. The sand cost 3s. 10d. per load on the site and the clinkers 3s. 2d. per load.

[Space does not allow us to print the plan, but it appears both simple and convenient. We congratulate Mr. Gorst on a very remarkable achievement.—En. Spectator.]