17 DECEMBER 1910, Page 3

We regret to record the death on Tuesday of Mr.

F. W. Walker, who was High Master at St. Paul's School between 1876 and 1905. He was a schoolmaster of a type rather different from that to which Arnold belonged, which we are perhaps more accustomed to admire; but his success was none the less indisputable. His genius was intensely practical, and enabled him to bring the small " close " City school to the flourishing condition in which it now is. This same quality was what helped him to victory in the long struggle between the school and the Charity Commissioners, and it was shown too in the emphasis that he laid upon the necessity for concrete proofs of success,—in the form of such things as scholarships and exhibitions It was a stroke of the best fortune for St. Paul's that it found the ideal man to control it during the most critical period through which it has passed.