17 DECEMBER 1927, Page 29

NIGERIA UNDER BRITISH RULE. By Sir William Nevill M. Geary,

Bart. (Methuen. 16s.)—Sir William Geary has had somewhat unusual opportunities of studying British administration in -West Africa, for he served as Attorney- General of Sierra Leone and afterwards practised at the Lagos Bar. His history of Nigeria, though full of facts and figures, is also interspersed with personal comments which are often entertaining. Few will agree with him in deploring the loss of revenue caused by the embargo on trade gin," for it is clearly our duty to save the natives from being poisoned by cheap and nasty spirits. Yet it may be admitted, as the author contends, that taxation, including export duties on produce, is very high and tends to increase. He speaks very highly of the British officials as a class, though he has often had to plead against the Government in private suits.