17 FEBRUARY 1866, Page 1

M. Desk's address in reply to the speech from 'the

throne was laid before the Hungarian Diet on the 8th inst. It is polite, but very decided, a single idea being repeated in almost every sentence, thst Hungary is willing to come to terms with all other countries. of Austria for common-action, "provided that the political and administrative autonomy of Hungary be maintained intact." It accepts the Pragmatic Sanction as a basis for negotiation, but rejects the October Diploma, which established the common Reichsrath, remarking with natural pride, "Our especial oonsti- tntion did not commence with this Diploma ; it is as old as oar country, and has issued from the life of the nation." It ex- presses great satisfaction at .His Majesty's wish to govern in a con- stitutional manner, calls the last seventeen years " torn out of the constitutional life of the nation," and promises to submit to the throne a proposition " as compatible with the vital conditions of the country as with the independence of Hungary." The address, it is said, has not been badly received by the Emperor, but negotiations lag, the Hungarians being apparently unwilling to concede much. The Government, it would appear, consider war, finance, and foreign affairs as the departments in which common action is indispensable.